Family Medicine


Diet or Exercise? Which Is Most Important to Weight Loss?

If you’re one of the millions of Americans struggling with their weight, you’ve heard that a healthy diet and regular exercise are key to sustained weight loss. But which of these two healthy habits is most important for shedding pounds? At Prima Medicine, we hear this question from many patients at our Fairfax and South Riding, Virginia, offices.

Diet or Exercise? Which Is Most Important to Weight Loss? Read More »


Health Benefits of Losing Weight

If you’re carrying excess weight, you’re not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly three-quarters of American adults are overweight, and about 43% of those are obese. Unfortunately, being overweight or obese increases your risk of developing many serious health conditions, including multiple forms of heart disease, cancer, liver disease, infertility,

Health Benefits of Losing Weight Read More »

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